Sunday, May 31, 2015

The month of June

         So I have reached a point where I feel that I can change my life if I try. I now have a new plan this year and I hope and will work for it to succeed.

  • Stick to my schedule, don't push things to the last minute and get the task done as soon as possible.
  • Study consistently and not stress out when exams come.
  • Love my job and do a good one.
  • Take the TOPIK 1 Korean test.
  • Loose and seriously try to accomplish this at least 5kg by the end of this year. 
  • Save money for my Korea trip.

         Most of the things stated above is doable so I hope I don't go off track. During my first year of college till now my weight has been on a constant increase. I can't even look in a mirror without feeling guilty. This is probably the main reason I stopped blogging, I feel like my face has really become much rounder than before. My self esteem has really been in the pits this year and well most (not all!) asian family are pretty negative. My family always say to me "Girl, if you loose weight you would be sooo much prettier." When I choose clothes my mom will say "you slim down only will look nice!" or when I say I don't have a boyfriend " you loose weight sure got boy go after you one!". So it has always been at the back of my mind that fat = loser I guess I just pushed it further down into my mind thinking I'll always be this way and I might as well eat what I like. They do have a point and I really love my family, I just wish they aren't so negative. My goal now is to be healthy, reach my normal BMI and feel confident about myself. My diet should also be healthy so that hopefully I can achieve my dream skin. 

         On a lighter note, I picked up a new hobby! Which is Korean! I have a bad habit where I get into a hobby and get all the stuff for it and eventually toss it aside *coughguitarcough*. I have also stopped buying loads of KPOP merch and CD's I have not fallen out of it yet I've just slowed down. 

        Okay I'll stop rambling on now. I shall stop here and I'll try to update this space as often as I can. (; 


  1. Hi Ashley,

    I hope you rmb me! (: I just read your post and felt like you needed some encouragement.
    I, for one, knows how it feels not to have a lot of self-esteem. It is hard enough that you don't think you're good enough, and even harder when the people closest to you bring you down. It took me many years to get where I am today, and as difficult as it sounds, just try not to take what your family says to heart. Rmb that deep down, they really love you, they just don't know how to express it.

    Do more of the things that you love and you will find that slowly you will become a happier person and you will learn to accept yourself just the way you are. Don't do something just because someone tells you not to, rather, choose not to do it because you don't want to do it. I do think you're at the age where you're able to make your own sound decisions, and I know a clever lady like you will make wise choices. If you love learning Korean, then do more of it. If you want to lose weight because you want to get healthy skin, then do it. Make small but achievable goals, and each time you reach the goal, reward yourself!

    Good luck with your plans, I'm sure you'll succeed! (:

    1. Thank you so much Chermaine. I'm doing fine now and trying my best to reach the small goals first. Thanks for the support!
