Day 1
I was really nervous on the first day of orientation. My parents came along with me (I'm not a geeky kid I swear!) They just came to pay the bills for my course and they left after they paid phew. Got a goody back too! Anyways we then moved on to the theather hall on level six. I went in pretty late and since I went alone I just sat in a random seat the student counsel people told me to. The orientation went on and a lecturer came up and was speaking and he told us to say hi to the people sitting around you. So I first said hi to the girl next to me well naturally I would say hi to the girl before I say hi to the guy on the other side right? Anyways yeah I said hi and had a simple conversation with her and her name is Shelly she's a really sweet and friendly girl (: After that I turned to my right to be polite and said hi to the guy next to me. He BARELY turn to look at me and returned my hello and I was like what is your problem -.- well fine I don't need to be nice to you! Ok moving on the guy infront of me turned behind and shook my hand and I was like okayyyy. I didn't have the guts to turn behind to say hi to the cute guy behind me but he did help me pick up my pen when I dropped it hehehe. When the talk was over they gave us an hour lunch break. I was dreading this part because I didn't know anyone at all and I didn't want to be the loser who sits alone. Thank god when I was lining up to get my food I saw my old classmate(Wei Ying)! Rejoice! We got free lunch on the first day so we just had lunch in the cafeteria. After lunch we went up again to the six floor and this time the lecturer randomly picked us into 10 groups and it was a miracle I got into the same group as Wei Ying. We introduced ourself and got to know each other and obviously my interests were kpop and makeup HAHAHA. Later on the lecturer gave us a task and it was to make a product that would change the world we were having a discussion and boy wasn't our leader being a total b*tch in the end we went on with his idea anyway and he did the presentation. He was so stressed about it I had no idea why! It went alright anyway and we went home at like 5pm.
Day 2
On the second day they gave us a t-shirt to wear for our orientation.
It says I'm a Segian.
I met up with Wei Ying in the morning so that we could go up together. We went back to the same room and listen to them tell us about the facilities, library and computer lab etc. It was lunch break again and we had 1 and a half hours to spare. We had lunch with one of the group members we met yesterday and a girl that came from China we were being friendly to her since she was new to our country. She barely spoke any English so I had to brush up my chinese and start using it again. Fyi my chinese is horrible. We got to know her better and tried to assist her any way possible she studies the same course as me too ^^. After lunch we went back to the hall and got back together in groups again. We had a amazing race kind if thing and we had to go floor to floor to play games to complete our paper. I wore converse that day and my feet hurt like crazy. I have really weird feet I can't wear ballet flats and converse like shoes. I get blisters by the end of the day ): After the tiring race we went back to the hall and the lecturer told us what to do tomorrow and that was all. The next day we wouldn't be in the same group again so we said our goodbyes. Funny thing is my group leader shook everyones hand but hugged me. Hmm. Anyway we went our separate ways.
Day 3
I reached in the morning and met up with one of my old group members Elvis. She was near the entrance and so we decided to wait for Wei Ying abit and then it was time to go into our respective courses. By the way I'm taking Diploma in early childhood education (: I went into my classroom to do my registration and I sat next to yet another group mate of mine Wan Xi. She's really tiny and skinny I just feel like protecting her! Ok anyways we had a briefing of our course and registered for our subjects officially. Went down again and briefly met with Wei Ying again, Wan Xi was going back to her house which she shares with her friends and she was taking the bus alone. Wei Ying and I were so worried for her! Wei Ying even gave her her pepper spray! That was it for the day. Oh and when I was walking out of college I saw the guy from the first day who I thought was cute smoking. It was such a turnoff, I can't stand the smell of smoke :/
That's all for this post. I think I'll post a review hopefully by tomorrow (:
I kinda want to know where I stand with someone I met recently too. Ah oh well.
Congrats on surviving your first few days and meeting new people! Whenever I meet someone that is interested in kpop, they instantly become my new best friend. And smoking is a big turn off for me too, it's just gross.
ReplyDeleteThere is quite a few people here who loves kpop! Not many people have the same bias group as me though. Yes omg smoking is a big nono! I get a massive headache if someone next to me smokes!