So on the 30th of september 2012 I was feeling like the happiest girl ever!
The reason was as this blog post says B1A4 High Five session.
A few days before the fan meeting I couldn't help but get excited.
I even made a sign board for them!
Back (It say "Jung Jin Young I Love You" (: )
On the day of the fan meeting I woke up bright and early to look presentable to my babies.
I had breakfast at Mandarin Oriental with my family before meeting my bestie to go to the venue together. My oldest brother and his girlfriend were sweet enough to give us a lift. ^^
I personally
After arriving I collected the order I made from B1A4 fan club and line up to enter the venue.
Before B1A4 fan meet, Apink had a fanmeet too so they were inside while we were lining up. We got into the venue at 3.30pm ish and waited for them to arrive. The entire time we were waiting they played their song "Jaljayo Goodnight" 1938475 of times. LOL I met a few girls from USJ 13 and had our picture taken by the
Gave Teng Yi a crown because she blinked >< so did Elizabeth.
Waited a while more then finally my babies appeared. I swear I was so happy I stared clapping like a retarded seal!
OMG they looked so super duperly handsome in real life. I swear I couldn't breath properly when they were in front of me. They introduced themselves one by one and when they were doing their respective intros, I saw Sandeul scanning the crowd so I held my sign higher and I was positive he read it and he proved me right! When it was his turn he shouted "Hi everyone I'm Sandeul and I'm your beautiful target!" I was screaming at my bestie saying " HE READ MY SIGN, HE READ IT!!!!"
They talked a bit more then it was time for the high five session.I lined up like a good girl and waited for my turn to go on stage to get a high five from each of the members. The first one was CNU, I went up stage and greeted him saying "Anyeong Oppa" (hello big brother) and high fived him, he held on to the end of my sign because I was holding it with one hand. We had eye contact for hmm 3 seconds?
The nest person was Baro I greeted him saying "Anyeong oppa" too my voice broke a little so I wasn't sure whether he heard me or not and high fived him as well and looked into each others eyes a bit too LOL.
Next person was Jung freaking Jin Young. I stared at him and squeeked out "Anyeong oppa" which I'm pretty sure he didn't hear LOL. Passed him my
My whole body was trembling with delight and omg I almost forgot to high five Sanduel who was staring at me adorably with pursed lips and hands up waiting for a high five. I went "OH" really loudly and high fived him LOL. I guess he thought I didn't like him but truth was I was still a state of shock. Hehehe.
Gongchan was next. I really regretted not hugging him as he was my second bias. Anyways I went up to him and gave him a high five, before I could do anything the guard started pulling me away! D: I hurriedly passed him the
They bid farewell and CNU said they'll be back. I hope he keeps his promises. I tried getting out of the venue asap but by the time I reached the back entrance they left already. My heart sank it really did.
We went pavillion after that while waiting for our transport to arrive. I hitched a ride with my friends who went that day because I had tuition that night. My body was a little tired but my brain was hyperactive.
The few pictures I snapped that day
Baro has really puffy hair btw and if you guys are wondering what is Jinyounglicious go this website here and follow this twitter here too!Basicly it's my kpopper name. I use this for my kpop related things ^^ Do follow <3>3>
Ps: Leave a comment here or on my twitter if you want a post about bigbang alive concert in KL! :D
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