Omg it's august already, time passes so fast doesn't it?
Anyways, last month I went to SG again so you know what that means? Haul time~ hehehe.
So when I was in Singapore I went to etude house, Missha and watson to pick up a couple of stuff.
This was all I got this trip~ and month
From Clio I got 1 pencil liner in the shade #13 bloody sweet.
From Etude house I got:
- Wonder Pore Brush
- Wonder Pore White Clay
- Pink Prism nail polish
- Bling in the sea polishes
The freebies~
From Tony Moly I got
-The famous gel eyeliner in black
-Peach Crystal Blusher
-4 Nail colours
I went to Missha and got the Lip Balm Set. I admit I got it for the TVXQ photobook /.\
The photobook :3
My birthday just passed and I didn't really do much. Sorry for not frequently blogging I just finished hosting a Japanese and only have free time now ><